((This article is translated from "Beyond Star Trek" of L. M. Krauss))
((未經譯者同意, 請勿轉載))

- 序

第一部 從山坡上悄悄地爬下來了... / They'll Be Comin' Round the Mountain...

01. 選擇你的毒藥
02. 取決與否
03. 勇敢地出航....如果錢夠的話
04. 宇宙高爾夫
05. 單程還是來回?
06. 眼見為實
07. 銀河賭注
08. 宇宙盡頭的餐館
/ Choose Your Poison
/ To Be or Not to Be
/ To Boldly Go...If We Can Afford It
/ A Cosmic Game of Golf
/ There, and Back Again?
/ Seeing Is Believing
/ Gambling on the Galaxy
/ The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

第二部 瑪丹娜的宇宙 / Madonna's Universe

09. 願原力與你同在
10. 求知若渴
11. 該是時候了
12. 天下無不散的....
13. 變人的判準
14. 機器裡的幽靈
15. 終極邊疆?
/ May the Force Be with You
/ Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know
/ It's About Time
/ All Good Things...
/ The Measure of a Man
/ The Ghost in the Machine
/ The Final Frontier?

- 跋

    創作者 柯小毛 的頭像


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