[This article is translated from "Legends of the Ferengi" of Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe]
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第二百六十六條 / Rule #266
我寫這本書是打算作為一種公益事業, 用來幫助你們這些可憐的倫類發揮真正的獲利潛能 (眾所周知你們沒什麼潛能,不過, 嘿....總要試一試嘛). 秉著服務的精神, 我認為在這接近尾聲的時候, 應該提供一些特定的範例, 來說明濫用守則而導致不幸下場時該怎麼辦. 換句話說, 不論在商場上還是在日常生活中, 隨時準備應急的謊言總是沒錯的. 下面是一些最佳的範例:
"Your payment is en route by subspace transfer."
"當我之前提到利潤數字時, 我曾特別強調那只是估計值而已."
"When I mentioned that profit figure, I clearly stated that it was only an estimate."
"I have no independent recollection of those events."
"I am not a crook."
"Ear massages are commonly exchanged during Ferengi business negotiations."
"我就放在那邊那張桌子上. 一定是哪個瓦肯人拿走了."
"I left it on that table over there. Some Vulcan must've taken it."
"夸克? 從沒聽過這個人."
"Quark? Never heard of him."
"Ferengi are renowned throught the Alpha Quadrant for their honesty and integrity."
"保固是由製造商提供的. 如果您跟他聯絡, 我相信他一定很樂意全額退款."
"The warranty is provided by the manufacturer. If you contact him, I'm sure he'll be happy to give you a complete refund."
"I already gave you your change."
"一切都是我弟弟 Rom 的錯."
"It's my brother Rom's fault."
試著用用看. 一旦你發現它們多麼有效, 保證你再也不想說實話了.
"要是不確定, 就撒謊."
"When in doubt, lie."
譯贊曰: 口試的時候也適用.
- Apr 26 Tue 2005 17:30
[外星文化] 佛瑞吉人的傳說 (266)