29 則 / 50830.1535 initiated
◥ Money isn't made out of paper; it's made out of cotton.
◢ 鈔票不是用紙而是用棉製成的。
◥ You can see Abe Lincoln sitting in the chair (the Lincoln Memorial) inside the building on a penny.
◢ 在美金一分錢硬幣上刻的林肯紀念堂裡可以看到林肯坐在位子上。
◥ If you have three quarters, four dimes, and four pennies, you have $1.19 You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.
◢ 美金的三個兩毛五硬幣、四個一角硬幣和四個一分硬幣共是一塊一毛九。 這是在無法換成一元硬幣的前提下, 用銅板所能湊到的最高金額。
◥ There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
◢ 要把一塊美金換成零錢有 293 種換法。
◥ A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, a dime has 118.
◢ 美金二毛五分銅板的周圍有 119 道溝, 一毛硬幣則只有 118 道。
◥ There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.
◢ 一般的高爾夫球表面有 336 個凹洞。
◥ Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a space suit damages them.
◢ 太空人進入太空前不准吃豆類, 因為在太空裝裡放屁有害健康。
◥ Most lipstick contains fish scales.
◢ 大部分脣膏都有魚鱗的成分。
◥ 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
◢ 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321。
◥ Multiply 37,037 by any single number (1-9), then multiply that number by 3. Every digit in the answer will be the same as that first single number.
◢ 把 37037 這個數字乘上任一個位數, 再乘三, 則每位數字都會變成你乘過的個位數。
◣ 小毛註: 不要被騙了, 這單純只是因為 37037 x 3 = 111111 而已。
◥ Add up all the numbers on a roulette wheel and the sum is 666.
◢ 把賭博的輪盤上所有數字加起來剛好是 666。
◣ 小毛註: 666 這個數字代表魔鬼。
◥ The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.
◢ 骰子相對的兩面點數相加都是七。
◥ American car horns beep in the tone of F.
◢ 美國汽車的喇叭頻率是 F 音。
◥ Coca-Cola can be used as car oil.
◢ 可口可樂可以當成汽車燃料使用。
◥ The difference between apple juice and apple cider is that the juice is pasteurised and the cider is not.
◢ 蘋果汁跟蘋果酒兩者的差別在於蘋果汁有加熱殺菌過。
◥ Dartboards are made out of horsehairs.
◢ 飛鏢靶是馬毛做的。
◥ The bullseye on a dartboard must be 5 feet 8 inches off the ground.
◢ 飛鏢靶的紅心必須離地五呎八吋 (172.72 公分)。
◥ A stretched out Slinky is 87 feet long.
◢ 把下樓彈簧玩具伸展開來有 87 呎 (約 26.5 公尺) 長。
◥ The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.
◢ 紅心老K是唯一沒有鬍鬚的老K。
◥ There are 500 sheets of paper in a ream.
◢ 一令紙有 500 張。
◣ 小毛註: 令 (ream) 是紙張專用單位, 相當於 20 刀 (quire)。一刀紙有 24~25 張, 一令紙從前有 480 張, 現在則是 500 或 516 張。
◥ There are seven points on the Statue of Liberty's crown.
◢ 自由女神的皇冠有七個尖。
◥ The inventor of the flushing toilet was Thomas Crapper.
◢ 沖水馬桶是 Thomas Crapper 發明的。
◥ The monkey wrench was invented by Charles Moncke.
◢ 活動扳手是 Charles Moncke 發明的。
◥ Albert Blake Dick invented the mimeograph machine.
◢ 油印機是 Albert Blake Dick 發明的。
◥ Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the mercury thermometer.
◢ 水銀溫度計是 Gabriel Fahrenheit (華氏溫標制定者) 發明的。
◥ The telephone's U.S. patent number is 174,465.
◢ 電話的美國專利號碼是 174465。
◥ If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.
◢ 如果公園中雕像騎的馬兩條前腿都沒著地, 代表這個人死於沙場之上。
◥ If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.
◢ 承上, 如果馬只有一條前腿沒著地的話, 代表這個人後來傷重而死。
◥ If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
◢ 承上, 如果馬四腿都著地, 代表這個人死於自然因素。