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◥ Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh cut off his left ear. His 'Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear' shows the right one bandaged because he painted the mirror image.
◢ 荷蘭畫家梵谷曾把自己的左耳割下來。 他的畫作 "耳朵綁繃帶的自畫像" 裡繃帶綁在右耳上, 因為他是看著鏡子畫的。
◥ Popeye was 5'6".
◢ 大力水手卜派有五呎六吋 (約 168 公分) 高。

◥ Howdy Doody had 48 freckles.
胡迪都迪有 48 顆雀斑。

◥ There are 17 steps leading up to Sherlock Holme's apartment.
◢ 福爾摩斯的公寓要爬 17 級樓梯。

◥ In most advertisements, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10.
◢ 大部分廣告中手表顯示的時間都是 10:10。

◥ First novel ever written on a typewriter is Tom Sawyer.
◢ 第一部在打字機上完成的小說是 "湯姆歷險記"。

◥ The 'spot' on 7UP comes from its inventor who had red eyes. He was albino.
◢ 七喜汽水標誌上的紅色圓點來自於發明者的紅色眼睛。 他是白子。

◥ The citrus soda 7-UP was created in 1929; "7" was selected because the original containers were 7 ounces. "UP" indicated the direction of the bubbles.
◢ 七喜 (7-UP) 汽水始於 1929 年。 選擇 7 這個數字是因為當時一罐重 7 盎司 (約 200 克), UP (上) 則是象徵向上的泡泡。

◥ There are 22 stars in the Paramount logo.
◢ 派拉蒙的標誌有 22 顆星星。

◥ During the chariot scene in 'Ben Hur' a small red car can be seen in the distance.
◢ 老電影 "賓漢" 裡面的古羅馬戰車那一幕, 可以看到一輛很小的紅色汽車停在很遠的地方。

◥ The mask used by Michael Myers in the original "Halloween" was a Captain Kirk mask painted white.
◢ "月光光心慌慌" 電影中的殺人魔面具是直接把柯克船長的面具塗白而成的。

◥ All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.
◢ 電影 "黑色追緝令" 裡所有的時鐘都指著 4:20。

◥ In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
◢ 美國影集 "歡樂一家親" 每集的某個地方都有一個超人。

◥ Screech, from Saved by the Bell, was the only one of the characters who played in all the episodes from the junior high, with Mrs. Bliss, to Saved by the Bell: The New Class.
◢ 影集 "救命鈴聲" 及其續集的所有演員中, 只有史克利吉這個角色每集都有出現。

◥ The first toilet ever seen on television was on "Leave It To Beaver".
◢ 電視上第一次出現馬桶是在影集 "天才小麻煩" 中。

◥ Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
◢ 華德迪士尼怕老鼠。

◥ Donald Duck comics were once banned in Finland because he doesn't wear trousers.
◢ 唐老鴨在芬蘭曾被禁播, 因為他沒穿褲子。

◥ Pinocchio was made of pine.
◢ 小木偶皮諾丘是用松木作的。

◥ Pinocchio is Italian for "pine eye".
◢ 小木偶的名字 "皮諾丘" 是義大利文 "松眼" 的意思。

◥ 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't die throughout the movie.
◢ 所有迪士尼卡通中, 只有 101 忠狗和小飛俠彼得潘裡的父母不但都有出場而且從頭到尾都沒死。

◥ The characters Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's "Its A Wonderful Life".
◢ 芝麻街的伯特與爾尼名字來自於 Frank Capra 的作品 "美好的生命" 當中的警察伯特與計程車司機爾尼。

◥ The name for Oz in the "Wizard of Oz" was thought up when the creator, Frank Baum, looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N and O-Z, hence "Oz."
◢ "Wizard of Oz" (綠野仙蹤) 的奧茲國 (Oz) 由來是作者 Frank Baum 看到檔案櫃上寫著 "A 到 N" 與 "O 到 Z", 所以就取名 Oz。

◥ Susan Lucci is the daughter of Phyllis Diller.
◢ 蘇珊露琪是菲莉絲迪勒的女兒。
◣ 小毛註: Susan Lucci 是美國當紅肥皂劇 "All My Children" 的演員。 Phyllis Diller 則是喜劇演員, 曾替蟲蟲危機的女王配音。 兩者的感覺我猜大概就像謝金燕居然是豬哥亮的女兒一樣吧。

◥ Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister.
◢ 華倫比提跟莎莉麥克蓮是姊弟。

◥ Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.
◢ 瑪麗蓮夢露某隻腳有六個腳趾。

◥ The first time she signed an autograph as Marilyn Monroe, she had to ask how to spell her first name.
◢ 瑪麗蓮夢露第一次簽名的時候還得問別人怎麼拼。

◥ Who's that playing the piano on the "Mad About You" theme? Paul Reiser himself.
◢ "為你瘋狂" 影集主題曲的鋼琴是男主角兼製作人 Paul Reiser 自己彈的。
◣ 小毛註: Mad about You 是 Paul Reiser 跟 Helen Hunt (海倫杭特) 主演的影集。

◥ Elvis had a twin brother named Garon, who died at birth, which is why Elvis' middle name was spelled Aron; in honor of his brother.
◢ 貓王有個雙胞胎弟弟 Garon, 出生的時候就夭折。 貓王的中間名是 Aron, 就是為了紀念他。

◥ Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
◢ 芭比娃娃的全名是芭芭拉‧米麗森‧蘿伯斯。

◥ If Barbie were life-size her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall and have a neck twice the length of a normal human's neck.
◢ 如果把芭比娃娃放大到真人大小, 她的三圍是 39-23-33。 她的身高七呎二吋 (約 218 公分), 而且脖子的長度是正常人的兩倍。

◥ John Lennon's first girlfriend was named Thelma Pickles.
◢ 約翰藍儂的第一個女朋友叫 Thelma Pickles。

◥ Sheryl Crow's front two teeth are fake -- she had them knocked out when she tripped on the stage earlier in her career.
◢ Sheryl Crow 的前兩顆牙是假的。 她有次在舞臺上跌倒摔斷了。

◥ Jim Morrison (of the 60's rock group The Doors) was the first rock star to be arrested on stage.
◢ Jim Morrison (60 年代搖滾團體 The Doors 的團員) 是第一個在台上被逮捕的搖滾明星。

◥ Betsy Ross is the only real person to ever have been the head on a Pez dispenser.
◢ 貝西羅斯是唯一出現在超能糖果盒上的真人。
◣ 小毛註: 超能糖果盒是美國流行的收藏品。

◥ Hawkeye on the tv series M*A*S*H had a TV name of Benjamin Franklin Pierce. The actor's name was Alan Alda.
◢ 電視影集 M*A*S*H 的 Hawkeye 在影集中的名字是班哲明‧法蘭克林‧皮爾斯。 演員的名字是艾倫‧艾爾達。

◥ Hans Christian Andersen, creater of fairy tales, was word-blind. He never learned to spell correctly, and his publishers always had the spelling errors corrected.
◢ 童話故事作家 Hans Christian Andersen 不識字。 他無法正確拼字, 都是出版商幫他訂正的。

◥ Actor Keanu Reeve's first name means 'cool breeze over the mountains' in the Hawaiian language.
◢ 基努李維的名字在夏威夷語中意思是 "山間吹過的清涼微風"。

◥ The Beatles, with Pete Best on drums, made the group's TV debut performing Roy Orbison's 'Dream Baby' on the BBC show 'Teenager's Turn' in 1962.
◢ 披頭四樂團的電視首演是 1962 年在英國國家廣播公司的 "少年急轉彎" 節目中表演洛伊歐比森的作品 "夢幻寶貝", 那時的鼓手是彼得貝斯特 (後來被林哥史塔取代)。

◥ Peter Falk, who played 'columbo', has a glass eye.
◢ 飾演 "神探可倫波" 的彼德福克有隻眼睛是義眼。

◥ The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in Jello.
◢ 外星人 ET 走路的音效是用手捏擠果凍做出來的。

◥ The actor who played Wedge in the original Star Wars trilogy has a famous nephew: actor Ewan McGregor, who plays the young Obi-Wan in the new Star Wars film.
◢ 在原版星際大戰三部曲裡演魏吉的演員有個有名的外甥, 就是在新的星際大戰電影裡演年輕歐比王的伊旺麥奎格。

◥ Peter Mayhew, who played Chewbacca in the first three Star Wars movies, was a hospital porter in London before starring as the Wookie.
◢ 在原版星戰三部曲中演丘巴卡的 Peter Mayhew 原本只是醫院的警衛。

◥ David Prowse was the guy in the Darth Vader suit in Star Wars. He spoke all of Vader's lines, and didn't know his voice was going to be dubbed over by James Earl Jones until he saw the screening of the movie.
◢ 星際大戰裡穿達斯維達衣服的人是大衛普羅斯。 達斯維達的台詞雖然都由他來唸, 但直到電影上映前他都不知道其實最後是詹姆斯厄爾來配音。

◥ The name of Jaba the Hutt's pet spider monkey is Salacious Crumb.
◢ 赫特族賈霸的寵物蜘蛛猴名字叫做 Salacious Crumb。

◥ Besides Star Trek, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, James Doohan, and George Takei have all appeared at one time or another on The Twilight Zone.
◢ 星艦迷航記的主角當中, 威廉薛特納, 雷納尼摩依, 詹姆斯杜漢及喬治竹井等四人都曾出現在影集 "陰陽魔界" 中。

◥ The original captain of Star Trek's starship 'Enterprise' was Jeffrey Hunter -not William Shatner-, as Christopher Pike, in the pilot episode 'The cage' (1964). The cast was quite different from that of the classic series except for Leonard Nimoy as Spock.
◢ 出演星艦迷航記企業號艦長的演員本來是傑佛利杭特, 而不是威廉薛特納。 他演的是 "Cage" 這一集的克里斯多福派克艦長, 其餘演員除了演史巴克的雷納尼摩依沒改之外, 其他都與後來成名的系列不同。

◥ The mother of Michael Nesbit of 'the Monkeys' invented liquid paper correction fluid.
◢ 立可白是演 "猴群" 的麥可納斯比的媽媽發明的。

◥ The first non-human to win an Oscar was Mickey Mouse.
◢ 第一個贏得奧斯卡獎的非人類是米老鼠。

◥ An Oscar weighs seven pounds.
◢ 奧斯卡獎重量是 7 磅 (約 3 公斤)。

◥ Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.
◢ 因為二次大戰時缺乏金屬, 那時的奧斯卡獎是用木頭雕的。

◥ The Academy Award statue is named after a librarian's uncle. One day Margaret Herrick, librarian for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, made a remark that the statue looked like her Uncle Oscar, and the name stuck.
◢ 奧斯卡獎的名稱來自圖書館員的叔叔。 美國影劇學院的圖書館員瑪格麗特赫力克表示, 獎座雕像看來很像她的叔叔奧斯卡, 名字就此沿用至今。

◥ The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
◢ 首次在黃金時段節目出現在床上的夫妻是摩登原始人。

◥ The nursery rhyme Ring Around the Rosey is a rhyme about the bubonic plague. Infected people with the plague would get red circular sores (Ring around the Rosey...). These sores would smell very bad so people would hide flowers on their bodies in an attempt to mask the smell (Pocket full of posies...). People who died from the plague would be burned to reduce the spread of the disease (Ashes, ashes, we all fall down)
◢ 童謠 "玫瑰鐘聲" 其實是一首描寫淋巴腺鼠疫的歌。 得病的患者會長紅色的圓瘡 (玫瑰鐘聲...), 氣味很難聞, 所以要隨身佩戴鮮花來遮掩異味 (口袋裝滿花束...)。 死於此疾病的患者必須火化以防傳染 (灰燼, 灰燼, 我們都失敗了)。
    創作者 柯小毛 的頭像


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